Znak Ruchu Maitri
Pismo gdańskiego ośrodka
Ruchu Solidarności z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Nr 6 (60), lipiec 2002

Oryginał listu Ambasadora

Godło Bangladeszu Adres Ambasady Bangladeszu

No.  Pol/Misc-1/2002

16thJuly, 2002       

Ruch Solidarności
z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Parafia Najświętszego
Serca Jezusowego
ul. Mireckiego 3
80-245 Gdańsk

Dear Sir,

Kindly refer to the letters sent by the members of your organization to this this Embassy, conveying their concerns for trafficking in women and children in Bangladesh.  After receiving the above mentioned letters, the Mission took up the matter with the concerned Ministries in Bangladesh.

Our government has instructed us to inform you about the following activities/steps taken by the government to combat trafficking:

  • The Department of Women Affairs (DWA) of the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs has a Violence Prevention cell and this cell provides temporary support to the victims of trafficking along with other assistance to the victims of violence.
  • The Minister for the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs presides every two months review meeting of the Inter Ministerial Advisory Committee to review the situation of women and children in the light of the reports given by the DWA. The Network of committees for anti-trafficking and suppression of violence against women and children has been established at the district, thana (sub-district) and local levels also.
  • The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs is implementing a project TICSA (Trafficking in Children South Asia) with the financial & technical Assistance from ILO-IPEC to Combat Trafficking.
  • The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs is implementing another project tilted “Child Development: Coordinated Programme to Combat Child trafficking in Bangladesh" with the aims to awareness raising, capacity building of Law enforcing agencies, rescue and rehabilitation covering 14 bordering districts. The objectives of the project are: Developing an effective administrative set up and mechanism to address the Child Trafficking, Effective assistance to legal protection and justice in child trafficking cases. Rescuing and Rehabilitating the trafficked children, Ensuring voluntary and safe return of trafficked persons, Providing social services to the victims including shelter, counseling, medical care; employment and Initiatives for community based prevention program in the high risk areas in Bangladesh.
  • Other ministries such as Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Labour and Manpower are playing active roles in combating trafficking. There is a central cell at the police headquarter to combat oppression on children and women including trafficking. Foreign Missions are also playing active roles to combat this situation.
  • The Non-government Organizations (NGOs) are playing complementary roles. Their contributions to awareness raising, exchanging information, rehabilitation programs and legal assistance are important.
  • Moreover, one National Plan of Action against the Sexual Exploitation, Abuse of Children including Trafficking has been adopted to address the situation. The Govt. of Bangladesh is keen to take initiative to ratify ”The UN Protocol to Prevent Suppress and Punish Trafficking in persons specially Women and Children”.
Our government has also conveyed their heartfelt gratitude and felicitations to your organization for showing interest in connection with the trafficking in women and children in Bangladesh.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,

Podpis ambasadora Bangladeszu w Polsce

( Q.A.K.M. Mohiul Islam )

Pierwszy Sekretarz & HOC

Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
ul. Rejtana 15, m. 20/21
02-516 Warszawa
Tel.  +48 (0-prefiks-22) 848-32-00
+48 (0-prefiks-22) 848-06-37
Fax +48 (0-prefiks-22) 848-49-74
E-mail: bangla@it.com.pl
Website: www.banglaemb.pl

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