Niewolnicy z Oceanii W Europie stosunkowo mało wiadomo o blackbirdingu, czyli o łowach na niewolników w rejonie zachodniego Pacyfiku, zwłaszcza w archipelagu Nowych Hebrydów. Ten haniebny proceder spowodował w swoim czasie całkowite wyludnienie wielu wysp Melanezji.
Encyclopedia Britannica: Guide to Black History (ang.) Examines nearly 400 years of African-American history through five distinct time periods, from the struggles of slavery through the successes of the Civil Rights Movement.
World Book Encyclopedia (ang.) Na stronie African American History:
- The African American Journey - Presents the story of African Americans, from slavery to emancipation and the struggle for civil rights;
- African American Literature: Voices of Slavery and Freedom - learn about the writings of black Americans of African descent, which explore black identity, condemn racism, and celebrate the unique aspects of African American culture;
- Heart and Soul: A Celebration of African American Music.
Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia: The Slave Trade (ang.) Features slave accounts, the slave system, slave life, events and issues, women's anti-slavery societies, legislation, and American anti-slavery campaigners. Encyclopaedia of USA History
Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia: Slavery (ang.) Features slave accounts, the slave system, slave life, events and issues, Campaigners Against Slavery, Political Organizations, British Campaigners.
Encyclopaedia of USA History.
African Slavery in America (ang.) Written in 1774 by Thomas Paine and published March 8, 1775 when it appeared in the Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser.
Africans in America - America's Journey Through Slavery A major collection of images, documents, stories, biographies, and commentaries. Companion site to the PBS series which examines the economic and intellectual foundations of racial slavery in America and the global economy that prospered from it. Includes a teacher's guide.
Black Resistance - Slavery in the U.S. (ang.) Slavery in the U.S. - documenting the resistance of Black American Slaves. Including sections on the Middle Passage, the resistance of women, and a chronology of major revolts.
Bristol and Slavery (ang.) Much of Bristol's prosperity depended upon the slave trade. The traffic in human lives had been carried on here for several centuries, but hit a peak between 1720 and 1760...
On Borrowed Ground Free African-American life in Charleston, South Carolina 1810-61.
On Borrowed Ground Free African-American life in Charleston, South Carolina 1810-61. Essays in History, the annual journal sponsored by the Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia
The History Channel (ang.) Wybierz hasło "slavery" - znajdziesz ponad 230 artykułów związanych z tematem niewolnictwa.
Lest We Forget History, culture, preservation efforts, and current events of African-Americans, other ethnic, non-ethnic groups and individuals. We focus on and emphasize their sacrifices, relationships, interactions, patriotism as well as their contributions to the growth and development of this great nation.
Third Person, First Person Slave Voices From The Special Collections Library, Broadside Collection, Special Collections Library, Duke University.
Duke University library's exhibit probing the life experiences of slaves from the late 18th century through the 19th century.
Slave Movement During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (ang.) On-Line Data Archive
This site provides access to the raw data and documentation which contains information on the following slave trade topics from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: records of slave ship movement between Africa and the Americas, slave ships of eighteenth century France, slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, Virginia slave trade in the eighteenth century, English slave trade (House of Lords Survey), Angola slave trade in the eighteenth century, internal slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, slave trade to Havana, Cuba, Nantes slave trade in the eighteenth century, and slave trade to Jamaica.
Slavery and Slave Revolts Information on various revolts like Amistad, and participants, including Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Toussaint.
Nat Turner's Rebellion, 1831 (ang.) A detailed profile of the Virginia slave who led religiously-inspired slave revolt. Find paintings of Nat preaching and being caught.
The Underground Railroad in Rochester An overview of slavery, the Fugitive Slave Act, abolitionists, the Railroad and its history in Rochester, New York.
The Menare Foundation's North Star Website The Menare Foundation, Inc. is a national Non-profit organization dedicated to the documentation, preservation, and restoration of Underground Railroad safe-houses and environments. The Menare Foundation, Inc. was created from historian Anthony Cohen's research on the Underground Railroad.
Friends of Freedom Society Ohio Underground Railroad Association The Friends of Freedom Society, Inc. - Ohio Underground Railroad Association is a grassroots, all volunteer non-profit organization, whose sole purpose is to research, identify, document and preserve Underground Railroad sites throughout Ohio.
Aboard The Underground Railroad Introduction, Map, List of Sites, Learn More, Slave Trade, Aerly Antislavery, Operating the UGRR, Civil War.
Underground Railroad: Special Resource Study The results of a study by the National Park Service of the Railroad. Includes a general overview, a brief discussion of slavery and abolitionism, escape routes used by slaves, and alternatives to commemorate and interpret the signficance of the phenomenon.
The Abolitionist Directory of sites related to the anti-slavery movement. Includes a history of John Brown, the Underground Railroad, Levi Coffin, and William Garrison.
Underground Railroad Years Canada in an International Arena - offers an illustrated history and interactive games.
Ethical Aspect of Slavery Find in the Catholic Encyclopedia Summa Theologica Church Fathers Official Documents.
Antislavery Violence Sectional, Racial, and Cultural Conflict in Antebellum America, By John R. McKivigan and Stanley Harrold, Univ. of Tennessee Press, 1999.
Securing the Leg Irons Restriction of Legal Rights for Slaves in Virginia and Maryland, 1625 - 1791. Slavery In Early America's Colonies - Seeds of Servitude Rooted in The Civil Law of Rome by Charles P.M. Outwin.
Links to the Past "Links to the Past" is rich in American history and culture, which The National Park Service is responsible for preserving and protecting. This web site contains vast amounts of information on these important topics...
Hasło "slavery"
Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery? By Oscar L.Beard, Consultant in African Studies, World History Archives. O handlu niewolnikami z punktu murzyńskiego widzenia.
African Ancestry Site Research conducted by Rick Kittles, Ph.D. and colleagues at Howard University in Washington, D.C. has shown that a DNA-based test can be used to help African Americans determine their African ancestry. By designing a huge database of DNA data from indigenous Africa populations, the researchers look for matches of genetic markers shown in African Americans. These markers, which have been selected to determine genetic lineage, reveal maternal or paternal lineage, while others identify a combination of both. The level of resolution in most of the African American samples analyzed thus far are high enough to discriminate differences between some regions, such as Senegambia (Gambia and Senegal), the Windward Coast (Ivory Coast and Liberia), the Gold Coast (Ghana), Bight of Benin (between the Volta and Benin Rivers), Bight of Biafra (Benin River to Gabon). All of these are ancestral regions for the bulk of African Americans. Although it is not guaranteed that specific ethnic groups can be matched, there have been promising findings thus far. We are continually updating our database of DNA data of African populations and hope to begin testing soon. Please become a member of our mailing list so that we can keep you updated on our progress. Akty prawne i dokumenty
Konwencja w sprawie niewolnictwa Podpisana w Genewie 25.09.1926 (Dz. U. z 17.01.1931), Akt ratyfikacyjny, Uzupełniająca Konwencja z 1956 r.
List nuncjusza apostolskiego w Polsce abp Franciszka Marmaggi do Kard. A. Hlonda w sprawie zbiórki na rzecz misji wraz z rozporządzeniem Prymasa. Warszawa, dnia l grudnia 1934.
"Wobec [...] zarządzenia Stolicy świętej wzywam Wielebnych Księży Rządców kościołów, by doroczną kolektę misyjną na dzień 6 stycznia zapowiadali odtąd jako zbiórkę na rzecz Misyj w krajach, w których niestety jeszcze utrzymało się niewolnictwo."
World Book Encyclopedia: African American Journey Kansas-Nebraska Act - also includes links to information on the Fugitive Slave Laws, Dred Decision, Compromise of 1850, and other laws concerning slavery.
History Place - Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed by the U.S. Congress on May 30, 1854, allowed the residents in these territories to decide for themselves on the issue of slavery.
Fugitive Slave Act, September 18, 1850 Mandated the return of runaway slaves, regardless of where in the Union they might be situated at the time of their discovery or capture.
Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African Equiano was kidnapped and transported from Africa to the New World at a young age. He laboured as a slave for many years before earning enough money to buy his own freedom. Coming to England he became involved in the campaign to abolish the slave trade, and in 1789 wrote and published the Interesting Narrative, a strongly abolitionist autobiography. Find extracts from this work, alongside history, biography, bibliography, links and images relevent to Equiano.
Olaudah Equiano Extract from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. The British Library.
Ignatius Sancho: African Man of Letters Sancho was an African, born a slave on a ship in the mid-Atlantic, who became a well known figure in eighteenth-century London. Visit Sancho site: twelve pages of history, biography, bibliography, extracts, links and images dedicated to Sancho, his life, times, and friends.
Quobna Ottabah Cugoano: a Former Slave Speaks Out Quobna Ottabah Cugoano was born in present-day Ghana in the 1750s. Kidnapped and taken into slavery, he worked on plantations in Granada before being brought to England, where he obtained his freedom. He wrote his Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Commerce of the Human Species, the first directly abolitionist publication in English by an African, which was published in 1787.
Narrative of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw The personal account of an 18th century prince of Baurnou who went exploring with merchants and found he'd been sold into a life of slavery. Published in 1774, Newport, Rhode-Island.
British Abolitionists This set of pages provides information on many of the British abolitionists. Included are those who worked in the political campaign against slavery, but also those who wrote anti-slavery poems, novels, and plays.
Black Loyalists: Our History, Our People Describes the story of the escaped slaves who fought for the British in the American Revolution and were evacuated to Canada.
The Time of the Lincolns A film examining the Lincolns' personal history, slavery and freedom, and the Civil War.
Up From Slavery An Autobiography - by Booker T. Washington. Also includes the essays The Awakening of the Negro and Signs of Progress Among the Negroes.
From Slavery to Freedom The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1824-1909 - presents pamphlets published by African-American authors and others who wrote about slavery, African colonization, emancipation, reconstruction, and related topics. From The Library of Congress.
Inheriting Slavery - 1998 Interview with historian and journalist Edward Ball about his book Slaves in the Family. In this book he rewrites his family legends in an effort to bring black and white history together
The African-American Mosaic A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture, The Library of Congress, Washington, on-line exhibition, zawiera Colonization, Liberia, Abolition, Influence of Prominent Abolitionists, Conflict of Abolition and Slavery, Migration, Ex-slave narratives.
The Museum of African Slavery - nie wszystko działa The Museum of African slavery is designed as a site for remembering the experiences of enslaved Africans in modern times and presents historical information on slavery and slave trade, including student essays and links to related sites.
Island of Gorée, Senegal Off the coast of Senegal, facing Dakar, Gorée was, from the 15th to the 19th century, the largest slave trading centre on the African coast. Ruled, in succession, by Portuguese, Dutch, English and French powers, its architecture is characterized by the contrast between the dark slave-quarters and the elegant houses of the slave traders. Today it continues to serve as a reminder of human exploitation and as a sanctuary for reconciliation.
The African American Odyssey, Library of Congress The exhibition The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship, showcases the incomparable African American collections of the Library of Congress. Displaying more than 240 items, including books, government documents, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, plays, films, and recordings, this is the largest black history exhibit ever held at the Library, and the first exhibition of any kind to feature presentations in all three of the Library's buildings.
Niewolnictwo w Sudanie W Sudanie kwitnie handel niewolnikami. Stał się narzędziem walki fundamentalistycznego rządu Sudanu z chrześcijańską i animistyczną ludnością południa kraju. Jego celem jest kulturalne wyniszczenie plemienia Dinka, w przeważającej mierze katolickiego, oraz islamizacja całego Sudanu. Artykuł z gazetki My a Trzeci Świat.
Mission to Sudan (ang.) At the close of the 20th century (June 1999), Londoners Jane Roy and Glen Pearson went to Sudan to buy the freedom of slaves -- mostly women and children -- trapped in a cruel chapter of history. Stories by Kelley Teahen. Photography by Derek Ruttan. The London Free Press.
Slavery in Sudan? Shackled Youth (ang.) Muslim militiamen in Sudan are enslaving boys and girls according to the United Nations, the United States and a number of human rights groups. The Sudanese government denies that the practice exists. After a background report, Charlayne Hunter-Gault talks to Sudan's ambassador to the U.S. and two Baltimore Sun reporters who went to Sudan and saved two enslaved boys by purchasing their freedom.
Cover Story / Civil Right Law - Repairing the Past Demands are growing for reparations for the descendants of African slaves in America. How the issue is resolved may be key to this country's continuing search for racial harmony. By Jeffrey Ghannam.
Contemporary Forms of Slavery Systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflict. Final report submitted by Ms. Gay J. McDougall, Special Rapporteur, UN Commision on Human Rihgts.
Anti-Slavery International, London (ang.) Anti-Slavery International is the key organisation concerned with eliminating contemporary slavery. It pursues its goals by: collecting information, raising awareness and promoting public action; identifying ways in which slavery can be brought to an end, and influencing policy-makers in governments and other institutions to take action; and working with local organisations in countries with slavery and helping to give them an international voice.
If you would like to help campaign against slavery, one of the simplest ways is to join the Anti-Slavery Campaigns Network.
Free the Slaves (ang.) Free the Slaves and Anti-Slavery International are sister organizations. Anti-Slavery International is the oldest human rights organization of the world, founded in 1839, which fueled the original abolitionist movement. Free the Slaves brought this movement to the United States, and is continuing the groundbreaking work Anti-Slavery International has provided for the world for over a century and a half.
Free the Slaves was launched with the support of Anti-Slavery International, and the two work together on many levels in order to have a greater impact in eradicating slavery. They maintain close links as equal and distinct members of a grouping of anti-slavery organisations that, within the wider international movement against slavery, have similar aims and operating principles, and adopt similar strategies to end cases of slavery. Free the Slaves and Anti-Slavery International also have an interlocking board of directors to ensure close collaboration.
Comittee Against Modern Slavery (ang., fr., hiszp., wł., niem.,)
Paris, France Made up entirely of volunteers, the Committee Against Modern Slavery enlists journalists, jurists, social workers, doctors and health professionals, students, and retired people to work toward its goal of ending slavery worldwide. Branches exist in France, Belgium, Spain, and Italy. The CCEM website is offered in both French and English. It has sections for news, activity reports, information for people interested in joining the Committee, and contact information.
IAbolish - The Anti-Slavery Portal Modern Day Slavery: blacks bought and sold today in Africa, modern day abolitionist groups. Slavery today - interactive maps detail: slavery by country, slave narratives, and the products of slavery. Activist Center - możliwość udzialu w kampaniach przeciw niewolnictwu przez e-mail. News Desk.
American Anti-Slavery Group (ang.) The American Anti-Slavery Group, Inc. is the only American organization solely dedicated to abolishing slavery worldwide. We monitor, document, and publicize the plight of slaves around the globe. Our special focus is on black chattel slavery in North Africa and involuntary servitude in the United States.
Anti-Slavery Society (ang.) The aims of the Society are:
- to relieve suffering of;
- to free or rescue; and
- the social reintegration of -
slaves, child slaves, bonded laborers, bonded child laborers, hierodulic (ie, temple or sacred) child prostitutes, child laborers and the victims of the international traffic in women and children for the purpose of prostitution, as well as the suppression of these practices and institutions.
The Restavec Foundation (ang.) Thousands of Haitian children suffer in slavery. Now you can help bring them to freedom. The Restavec Foundation was formed with one goal: to give these children a chance at a true childhood, unmarked by violence, abuse, and exploitation. The poverty of most Haitians, and the corruption of a government still recovering from a long period of dictatorship, means that we must be the leaders in helping these children.
Haitian Street Kids, Inc. (ang.) Abandoned and abused child slaves of Haiti. Home And Advocacy Organization For Streetkids, Abandoned Children And Restavek Boys.
Christian Solidarity International (ang.) News and testimonies from victims of religious repression and disaster around the world. Find out how you can help suffering Christians around the world.
CASMAS - Coalition Against Slavery in Mauritania and Sudan (ang.) This human rights organization brings together abolitionists and human rights activists from all races, creeds, and nationalities to collectively fight for the eradication of the chattel enslavement of black Africans. It is a response to the centuries-old practice of buying, selling, and breeding Africans by Arab Moors and North African Arabs which never stopped in the countries of Sudan and Mauritania.
S.T.O.P. Campaign (ang.) S.T.O.P. was founded in 1998 by a fifth-grade class in Denver that wanted to take action on behalf of children now held as chattel slaves in the Sudan. The students were in the middle of a history unit on American slavery when they learned that black people were still slaves in the Sudan -- especially boys and girls their own age.
That brutal fact was shocking, but the students refused to sit idly by. They began saving their lunch money towards purchasing the freedom of slaves. Some students even contributed cash given to them as birthday presents. In the end, they raised enough money to free two Sudanese slaves.
At the same time, the children attracted both local and national media for what soon became a nationwide campaign towards redeeming slaves. Media outlets who have featured the class' efforts include The New York Times, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, and National Public Radio. The S.T.O.P. campaign has helped raise over $70,000 and free over 2,000 slaves. The class' teacher, Barbara Vogel, has also spoken before hundreds of teachers and educators about what students can do in the fight against modern day chattel slavery. Classes and schools across the country have now launched abolitionist campaigns of their own.
SACCS - South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude (ang.) SACCS is a coalition of over 400 organisations that work on issues related to child labour in Southern Asia. Since its creation in 1989, SACCS has liberated 40,000 bonded children from various industries. One of SACCS's projects is the Mukti Ashram rehabilitation centre for freed child-bonded labourers.
Rugmark (ang., niem.) The Rugmark campaign monitors the use of illegal child labour in the carpet industry.
La Strada (ang.) La Strada focuses on prevention of traffic in women, support of victims of traffic in women, influencing legislation and disseminating information on the issue.
Strona główna: adresy i odsyłacze do stron oddziałów narodowych w Europie środkowo-wschodniej.
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking An alliance of nonprofit service providers, grassroots advocacy groups and activists dedicated to providing human services and human rights advocacy to victims of modern-day slavery. A Project of the Little Tokyo Service Center
Global Alliance Against the Trafficking of Women (ang.; niektóre dokumenty też fr., hiszp., niem.) Information on GAATW and their activities, publications and documentation center as well as the GAATW bulletin and newsletter.
The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women(GAATW) was formed at the International Workshop on Migration and Traffic in Women held in Chiang Mai, Thailand in October 1994. Since that time, GAATW has grown into a movement of members consisting of both organisations and individuals worldwide, and has coordinated, organised and facilitated work on issues related to trafficking in persons and womens labour migration in virtually every region of the world.
Our aim is to ensure that the human rights of trafficked persons are respected and protected by authorities and agencies.
ARM - Africa Reparations Movement UK (ang.) 400 years of slavery is a crime against humanity as defined by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
A site that has been set up for those who are interested in Africa's people both on the continent and in the Diaspora. You will receive information that is pertinent to the struggle for reparations for the harm done to Africa and the African diaspora through enslavement, colonisation, and racism. Katalogi stron o niewolnictwie
Links and Web Resources: Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation There are some great resources on the web, but many websites contain inaccurate information. I have done my best to make sure that the following link to reputable sites, but be warned.
Black/African Related Resources This is a list of online information storage sites (FTP, Gopher, Telnet, WWW, BBS, Database, etc.) that contain a significant amount of information relating to or of concern to Black or African people, culture, and issues around the world, either in files or conferences. Also included (in other sections of the list) are resources relating to Ethnic/Intercultural Relations, International/Sustainable Development (includes Global Networking), and Social/Progressive Activism. Please let Art McGee know of any updates, additions, corrections or suggestions that you might have. This list is up to date as of JULY 29, 1994.
African Studies Africa Web Links: an Annotated Resource List. This is an on-going project to list on-line resources related to African Studies which are not necessarily covered in Penn African Studies Web site.
Jefferson Library: African-Americans Slavery Links American History: A Guide to Resources Research on the Web This is an extensive site of African-American resources, including history of slavery, slave narratives, and the slave trade. Site sponsored by the history department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
The Self Determination Committee - Links The Self Determination Committee was born for one reason, to Educate The African of Slave Descent on how to become self determined. This is the Center for a meaningful demand for Black Reparations in The United States of America.
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