Znak Ruchu Maitri
Pismo gdańskiego ośrodka
Ruchu Solidarności z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Strony o ojcu Marianie Żelazku


The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (the total number of this list after May 1st, 2002 is 88, institution given for identification):
I. Politics
Kazimierz PAREŁEK, Senate, Member of Parliament, Warszawa;
II. Art
Ewa URYGA, vocal, music of Gospel, Bytom;
III. Rectors
Ignacy DEC, Professor of Philosophy, Rector of Pontifical Faculty of Theology, Wrocław;
Antoni JÓWKO, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Rector of Academy of Podlasie, Siedlce;
IV. Deans of Faculty
Elżbieta BRZEZIŃSKA, Professor of Pharmacy; Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University, Łódź;
Ewa BUSZMAN, Professor of Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sielsian Medical Academy, Gliwice;
Bronisław GRZEGORZEWSKI, Associate Professor of Physics, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Academy, Bydgoszcz;
Hanna HOPKAŁA, Professor of Pharmacy, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Academy, Lublin;
Ewa JAGIEŁŁO-WÓJTOWICZ, Professor of Pharmacy, Vice-dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Academy, Lublin;
Zenon KOKOT, Professor of Pharmacy, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medical Science, Poznań;
Stefan MRÓZ, Professor of Physics, Dean of Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wrocław, Wrocław;
Krystyna OLCZYK, Professor of Medicine, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice;
Jan PACHECKA, Professor of Pharmacy, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Academy, Warszawa;
Jerzy PAŁKA, Professor of Pharmacy, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Academy, Białystok;
Jan PAWLACZYK, Professor of Pharmacy Emeritus, University of Medical Science, Poznań;
Maciej PAWŁOWSKI, Professor of Pharmacy, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kraków;
V. Professors
J. John ANIL, Technical Officer, Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Karimancode, Pacha, Palode, Kerala, India;
Kumar K.S. ANIL, Senior Research Fellow, address as above;
P. PODMESH, Scientist, address as above;
S. RAJASEKHA-RAN, Professor, address as above;
George VARUGHESE, Professor, address as above;
Jolanta BUKOWSKA, Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Grzegorz CHAŁASIŃSKI, Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Alicja CHYBICKA, Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Leszek CZAPLA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Waldemar GOŁĘBIEWSKI, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Krzysztof GRABOWSKI, Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Andrzej HUSZKO, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Mieczysław JAGODZIŃSKI, Assistant Professor of Automatics, Institute of Automatics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice;
Henryk JAKUBIEC, Assistant Professor of Industrial Automatics, Institute of Automatics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice;
Krzysztof KAŁWAK, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Piotr KĘDZIERZAWSKI, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Warszawa;
Maryla KRASNOWSKA, Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Maria KRAUS-FILARSKA, Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Andrzej KUDELSKI, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Danuta KULICZKOWSKA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Andrzej LEWANDOWSKI, Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Ewa LIEBHART, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Leszek LUCHOWSKI, Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences, Institute of Informatics PAS, Gliwice;
Krystyna MARKOCKA-MĘCZKE, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Roman MIERZECKI, Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Eugeniusz MILETZ, Professor, Wrocław;
Stanisław MILNEROWICZ, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Józef MORAWSKI, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, Zabrze;
Robert MOSZYŃSKI, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Jan OGRODZKI, Professor of Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Warszawa;
Henryk PALUS, Associate Professor of Automatics, Institute of Automatics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice;
Wojciech PIETRAS, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Stanisław PIETRASZEK, Assistant Professor of Electronics, Institute of Electronics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice;
Joanna SADLEJ, Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Leszek STOLARCZYK, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Marta STRUTYŃSKA-KARPIŃSKA, Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Piotr SZELACHOWSKI, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Jacek TOPORSKI, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Danuta TUPKA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Dorota WÓJCIK, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Danuta ZWOLIŃSKA, Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Wrocław;
Janusz ŻELEZIK, Assistant Professor of Metrology, Institute of Automatics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice;
and 15 physicians
VI. Bishops, Priests and Sisters
Bp Kazimierz WELIKOSELEC, Bishop of Pinsk, Brest, Belarus;
ks. Jerzy SAMIEC, Parish Priest, Evangelical Augsburg Lutheran Church, Gliwice;
ks. Józef BARON SDS, Director of the Vocation Centre, Kraków;
ks. Jan FOLKERT SDS, Director of the „SALVADOR”, Kraków;
ks. Bogdan GIEMZA SDS, Ph.D., General of Province of Poland;
ks. Krzysztof KOWALCZYK SDS, Member of the Province Board;
ks. Jerzy MADERA SDS, Secretary of Province of Poland;
s. Stanisława RATAJCZAK, Chief Responsible of The Lay Institute of Missionaries of Christ, Wrocław;
ks. Andrzej URBAŃSKI SDS, Superior General of SDS, Rome, Italy;
ks. Edward WANAT SDS, Vicar of Province of Poland;
ks. Władysław WĘGLARZ SDS, Member of the Province Board;
ks. Krzysztof WONS, Ph.D., Director of the Centre of Spiritual Formation, Kraków;
Franciszek OREMUS, Captain, President of the Society of Home Army Soldiers and Political Prisoners, Kraków;
VIII. Inni
Witold ŁOPIEŃSKI, Manager of „POLSKA ŻYWNOŚĆ”, SA, Olsztyn;
Halina ULAS, Officer of Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, Wrocław.

Read more about Rev. Marian Żelazek
  • The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (in english): I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII

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