Znak Ruchu Maitri
Pismo gdańskiego ośrodka
Ruchu Solidarności z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Nr 6 (60), lipiec 2002


The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (the total number of this list after June 1st, 2002 is 47, institution given for identification):
I. Holders of the Nobel Prize
Richard R. ERNST, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1991;
II. Politics
Stefan NEDZYNSKI, Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant General Secretary, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Brussels 1961-1964; General Secretary, Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International, Geneva, 1965-1989; Bern Switzerland;
Jan NOWAK-JEZIORAŃSKI, Courier and Emissary of the Polish Underground Army in the World War II. Former director of Polish Service of Radio Free Europe 1951-1976, Consultant of the National Security Council, White House 1978-1990, USA;
III. Art
Wanda BOGUSZEWSKA, Artist Painter, Poznań;
Janina KOTLIŃSKA, Artist Painter, Poznań;
Stanisław POKORSKI, Professor of Music, Artist-musician, Chancellor of Academy of Music, Poznań;
Maria ZANTO-KURKA, Artist Graphic, Poznań;
IV. Rectors
Jerzy DEMBCZYŃSKI, Professor, Rector of Poznań University of Technology; Poznań;
Emil PANEK, Professor of Economics, Rector of the Poznań University of Economics, Poznań;
V. Professors
Bernard K. BUCHWALD, Assistant professor of Humanities, University of Poznań, Poznań; fighter pilot of Polish Air Force in Poland, France and Great Britain 1939-1945;
Inga CHLEWICKA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Academy, Warszawa;
Janusz DĄBROWSKI, Professor of Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany;
Ursula DĄBROWSKI, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany;
Marylena DĄBROWSKI, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Max Delbrück Centrum für Molekulare Medizin MDC, Berlin, Germany;
Tomasz JAXA-CHAMIEC, Assistant Professor of Medicine, The Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education, Warszawa;
Vladimir MALKIN, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia;
Ewa MICHALAK, Assistant Professor of Medicine, National Institute of Cardiology, Warszawa;
Janina M. MICHALAK, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Central Clinical Hospital of the Warsaw Board of Health of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Warszawa;
Hanna E. SIUDALSKA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, National Institute of Cardiology, Warszawa;
Anna TURSKA-KMIEĆ, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Institute - „The Children's Memorial Health Centre”, Warszawa;
Wiesław ZAKRZEWSKI, Assistant Professor, Agricultural University of Poznań, Poznań;
VI. University Supporting Persons
Halina GANIŃSKA, Director of the Main Library of Poznań University of Technology, Poznań;
Jan SZULC, Librarian of the Main Library of Poznań University of Technology, Poznań;
VII. Bishops, Priests and Sisters
Abp Marian PRZYKUCKI, Emeritus Archbishop of Szczecin;
Rev. Tadeusz KUKLA, University Chaplain, London, Great Britain;
Rev. Ś. ŚWIERŻYŃSKI, Vicar Delegate for Poles in England and Wales, Great Britain;
Rev. Marian WOLNIEWICZ, Professor of Theological Seminary of Poznań; Poznań;
Rev. Władysław WYSZAWALSKI, Polish Province Christ the King, London, Great Britain;
Adam ADAMSKI, Head Officer of Wood Handicraft, Poznań;
Urszula HOFFMAN, Secretary of the World Society of the Soldiers of Home Army, Poznań;
Stefan IGNASZAK, President of the World Society of the Soldiers of Home Army, Poznań;
Henryk KUBERA, President of the Society of Ostrovian in Poznań, Poznań;
Agnieszka SIARKIEWICZ, External Relations Officer, UNHCR - BO Warszawa;
IX. Miscellaneous - mostly friends of Rev. Marian Żelazek
Urszula BANASIAK, Librarian of the High School (former school of Rev. M. Żelazek), Poznań;
Adam BIAŁOBOCKI, MA in Chemistry, emeritus, Wrocław;
Anna JAKRZEWSKA-SUWIŃSKA, Physician, Poznań;
Bolesław JANUSZKIEWICZ, Spokesmen of H. Cegielski SA, Poznań;
Elżbieta JĘDRZEJEWSKA, Teacher, Lublin;
Paweł JĘDRZEJEWSKI, Student of Economy, Lublin;
Krzysztof KAWCZYŃSKI, Student of Warsaw University, Warszawa;
Magdalena PAWLICKA, Student of Sociology, Poznań;
Tadeusz PAWLICKI, Eng., Poznań;
Janusz PISZCZEK, Coal Holding of Katowice, Mysłowice;
Jacek SKIBA, Director of the High School in Ostrów Wlkp;
Ewa SZCZEŚNIAK, Teacher, Ostrów Wielkopolski;
Lucyna WOCH, Teacher, Director of the High School (former school of Rev. M. Żelazek) Poznań;
Witold ZAKRZEWSKI, MA in Economics, graduated from the same school as Rev. Marian Żelazek, Poznań;

Read more about Rev. Marian Żelazek
  • The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (in english): I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII

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