Znak Ruchu Maitri
Pismo gdańskiego ośrodka
Ruchu Solidarności z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Nr 8 (62), wrzesień 2002


The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (the total number of this list after July 1st, 2002 is 33, institution given for identification):
I. Politics
Maciej RAYZACHER, Member of the Warsaw City Council;
Ryszard BENDER, former Senator, Professor of History, Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin;
II. Rectors
Julian GEMBALSKI, Professor of Art, Rector of Academy of Music, Katowice;
Eugeniusz KNAPIK, Professor of Art, Elected Rector of Academy of Music (starting coming fall), Katowice;
Bernard POLOK, Professor of Art, vice Rector of Academy of Music, Katowice;
Anna WALUGA, Professor of Art, vice Rector of Academy of Music, Katowice;
III. Deans of Faculty
Stanisław KOSZ, Assistant Professor, Dean of Faculty of Jazz, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Janina MIKOŁAJCZAK, Associate Professor, Vice Dean of Faculty, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Stanisław PROKSA, Professor of Art, Dean of Faculty, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Zygmunt TLATLIK, Professor of Art, Dean of Faculty, Academy of Music, Katowice;
IV. Professors
Helmut DUDDECK, Professor of Chemistry, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Hannover, Germany;
Henryk CZACHOR, Assistant Professor, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin;
Bohdan DOBRZAŃSKI, Assistant Professor, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin;
Czesław FREUND, Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Paweł GLOMBIK, Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Jan W. HAWEL, Profesor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Józef HORABIK, Assistant Professor, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin;
Jerzy LIPIEC, Professor, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin;
Roman MICHALSKI, Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Tomasz MICZKA, Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Marek MOLENDA, Assistant Professor, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin;
Lilianna M. MOLL, Associate Professor, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Paweł PREŚ, Assistant Professor, Astronomical Institute, Wrocław University, Wrocław;
Józef STOMPEL; Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Bogusław USOWICZ, Assistant Professor, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin;
Jan WOJTACHA, Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Jan ZEGALSKI, Professor of Art, Academy of Music, Katowice;
V. University Supporting Persons
Badach HALINA, Chief of Personal Office of Academy of Music, Katowice;
Urszula MAJKOWSKA, Chief of Rector's Office, Academy of Music, Katowice;
Maria NAZAREWICZ, Director of Academy of Music, Katowice;
Anna TUTAJ, Economical Director of Academy of Music, Katowice;
Leopold KOBIERSKI, Director of the League for the Preservation of Nature, Assistant Professor of?, Jagiellonian University, Kraków;
Rev. Bogusław PALECZNY OSCam, famous supporter of homeless in Poland, Warszawa;

Read more about Rev. Marian Żelazek
  • The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (in english): I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII

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