Znak Ruchu Maitri
Pismo gdańskiego ośrodka
Ruchu Solidarności z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Nr 8 (62), wrzesień 2002


The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (the total number of this list after August 1st, 2002 is 43, institution given for identification)
I. Politics
Jacek BENEDYKOWSKI, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Marek BUMBLIS, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Piotr GIERSZEWSKI, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Ryszard GRUDA, Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Waldemar JAROSZEWICZ, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Andrzej JAWORSKI, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Jacek KUROŃ, former Parliament Member, former Minister of Labour, former democratic opposition leader, Warszawa;
Adam LANDOWSKI, Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Maciej LISICKI, Deputy Chairmen of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Tadeusz MĘKAL, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Czesław NOWAK, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Jan J. STOPA, Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Jacek ŚMIECH, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
Wacław SZULC, Member of the City Council of Gdańsk, Gdańsk;
II. Members of Polish Academy of Sciences
Maciej NAŁĘCZ, Professor, Member of PAS, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, of World Academy of Cybernetics and System Scientists, of Georgian Academy of Sciences, of International Academy of Sciences, of Ukrainian Academy of Higher Education, the Chairmen of the PUGWASH COUNCIL from 1974 till 1997.
III. Rectors
Bronisław BARACHAŃSKI, Professor, Vice-Rector of University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków;
Janusz KOWAL, Professor, Vice-Rector of University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków;
Florian KUŹNIK, Professor, Rector of University of Economics, Katowice;
Ryszard TADEUSIEWICZ, Professor, Rector of University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków;
IV. Members of Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Zygmunt KOLENDA, Professor, Member of PAAS;
Andrzej KORBEL, Professor, Member of PAAS;
V. Directors of Institutes
Władysław TORBICZ, Professor, Vice-Director of Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS, Warszawa;
Andrzej WERYŃSKI, Professor, Director of Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS, Warszawa;
VI. Professors
Krystyna BIAŁAS-BORGIEŁ, Assistant Professor of Physics Emeritus, Silesian University, Katowice;
Czesław KAPUSTA, Professor of Physics, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków;
Zofia KĘDZIOR, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Economy, Katowice;
Zbigniew ORŁOWSKI, Professor of Nephrology Emeritus, Medical University, Łódź;
Wojciech ZMYSŁOWSKI, Professor of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS, Warszawa;
VII. University Supporting Persons
Maria ŁAZICKA, Ph.D., Lecturer in the University of Economy, Katowice;
VIII. Bishops, Priests and Sisters
Rev. Tadeusz BAZAN, Missionary in Rwanda (Africa);
Rev. Stefan DMOCH, Major, Chaplain in The Polish Army;
Sister Marta GRUDKE, Deaconess of the Lutheran Church, Bytom;
Sister Iwona JAGIEŁKA CSA, Missionary in Rwanda (Africa);
Rev. Narcyz KLIMAS OFM, Ph.D., Professor of History in Franciscan Seminary in Jerusalem (Israel);
Rev. Dariusz MAKOWSKI SDB, Director of the International Pilgrimage from Poland to Lithuania;
Rev. Tadeusz NIEWĘGŁOWSKI SDB, Ph.D., The Superior of Warsaw Province, Warszawa;
Rev. Krzysztof ŚWIĘTOŃ, Parish Priest and Superior of the House, Warszawa;
Rev. Adam ŻAK SJ, Provincial of Southern Polish Province of the Society of Jesus, Kraków;
Peter J. BRESAN, Vice-President of „The Serbo-Luzyce Union in Germany”;
Danuta KUROŃ, President of the Foundation „Social Welfare S.O.S”, Warszawa;
X. Miscellaneous
Zygmunt KĘSTOWICZ, Actor, Warszawa;
Ewa MARZEC, M.A., M.B.A., Member of the Board, Director of the Office of the Bertelsmann's concern in Poland, Warszawa;
Antoni MAZGAJ, High School Teacher, Sandomierz;

Read more about Rev. Marian Żelazek
  • The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (in english): I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

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