Znak Ruchu Maitri
Pismo gdańskiego ośrodka
Ruchu Solidarności z Ubogimi Trzeciego Świata MAITRI
Nr 2 (56), marzec 2002


The total number of this list after January 28th, 2002 is 55, institution given for identification.
I. Members of national assemblies and governments, and members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Rama Chandra KHUNTIA, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, New Delhi;
Maurice KUJUR, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, New Delhi;
Maheswar MOHANTY, Member of Legislative Assembly, Government of Orissa;
Kazimierz KUTZ, Deputy Speaker of the Senate; Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Andrzej WIELOWIEYSKI, Senate, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Grażyna STANISZEWSKA, Senate, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Andrzej CZERWIŃSKI, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Marta FOGLER, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Przemysław GOSIEWSKI, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Grzegorz GÓRNIAK, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Zofia G. KRASICKA-DOMKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Urszula KRUPA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Marcin LIBICKI, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Tadeusz MAĆKAŁA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Andrzej MARKOWIAK, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Gabriela MASŁOWSKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Leszek MURZYN, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Marek MUSZYŃSKI, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Maria NOWAK, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Stanisław PAPIEŻ, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Jan.M. ROKITA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Jan RZYMEŁKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Anna E. SOBECKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Małgorzata STRYJSKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Michał STULIGROSZ, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Wojciech SZARAMA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Gertruda SZUMSKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Halina SZUSTAK, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Elżbieta WIĘCŁAWSKA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw;
Stanisław ZADORA, Member of Parliament, Warsaw.
II. Present university professors of law, political science, history and philosophy
Antoni BARCIAK, Professor of History, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Kazimierz BIELANIN, Professor of History, Jagiellonian University, Kraków;
Andrzej BRONK SVD, Professor of Philosophy, Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin;
Bogdan DEMBIŃSKI, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Tomasz DYBOWSKI, Professor of Law, Department of Law, University of Warsaw, former Member of The Constitutional Tribunal;
Rev. Günter DZIERŻOŃ, Associate Professor of Law, University of. Card. St. Wyszynski, Warsaw;
Bronisław GEREMEK, Professor of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, former Foreign Minister, former Member of Parliament, Member of the Interparliamentary Union;
Czesław GŁOMBIK, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Hanna GRONKIEWICZ-WALTZ, Professor of Law, University of Warsaw, Vice President of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, former Governor of National Bank of Poland;
Jan KIENIEWICZ, Professor of History, Vicedirector of The Centre of Research on Antique Tradition, Warsaw;
Andrzej KIEPAS, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Irma KOZINA, Assistant Professor of History, University of Silesia, Katowice; Karol MYŒLIWIEC, Professor of History, Warsaw University and Director of the Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw;
Stanisław NICIEJA, Professor of History, Rector of the University of Opole, Opole;
Idzi PANIC, profesor historii, Dyrektor Instytutu Historii, Uniwerystet Śląski, Katowice;
Halina PROMIEŃSKA, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Wojciech ROSZKOWSKI, Professor of History, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw;
Marek SAFJAN, Professor of Law, President of The Constitutional Tribunal;
Henryk SAMSONOWICZ, Professor of History, University of Warsaw, former Minister of Education, former Rector of Warsaw University, former Deputy Chairman of State Committee for Scientific Research;
Adam STRZEMBOSZ, Professor of Law, former Vice-Minister of Justice, former President of The Supreme Court, Warsaw;
Tomasz STRZEMBOSZ, Professor of History, Catholic University of Lublin and Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences;
Adolf SZOŁTYSEK, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Kazimierz WOLSZA, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Theology, University of Opole, Opole;
Zygmunt WOŹNICZKA, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Silesia, Katowice;
Wiesław J. WYSOCKI, Professor of History, University of. Card. St. Wyszynski,Warsaw.
Read more about Rev. Marian Żelazek
  • The list of Additional Supporters for the Nomination of Rev. Marian Żelazek for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize (in english): I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII

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